I Need a Short Summary About Adam Liptaks Article “American Exception: Suppressing the Evidence?
Question by Jasmine Diaz: I need a short summary about Adam liptaks article “American Exception: Suppressing the evidence?
I also need to know what side he was taking and what was he trying to prove? i need and anser ASAP PLEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Sumo Bob
Lets say that a couple is going through a severe Custody Battle on a divorce case; the women has one child and is currently self employed as a wedding planner & making cakes, while her soon to be ex husband is a detective on a police force.
The detective threatens his soon to be ex wife…by saying, ” i’m going to make sure that you don’t have any friends when i’m done with you because I got friends on the force that will do whatever I say, and I will tell them that your friends are selling drugs!”
Then one of her friends are arrested for their own prescribed medications based supposedly upon the narcotics officer dog smelt drugs permeating under a closed door at 4am, when her friends have been staying at a motel for 2 weeks.
The police claimed that they witnessed the couple bring in plenty of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, that people were going in and out of that apartment, that their witness stated that plenty of money was within the house and a list of names on who owes what. When her friends return home that afternoon, during the evening hours they are raided by her husband’s Police friends and they go to her friends cellphone, and find her number and her friend that is courting her, and only questions this couple about these two people.
Well, whenever this goes to Court, this case should be thrown out because the police force abused their discretion, and did not find anything that was alleged; “this is what Adam Liptak is trying to explain about the suppression of evidence for the wrongdoing of the police force abuses.”
Mr. Liptak, was a neutral source and expounding upon “How some of the Justices are considering on re-debating the 4th Amendment’s exclusionary principle.”
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