I Am Trying to Start Up a Program for Young Ladies to Promote Teen Pregnacy, Abstinence,Drug Abuse. ?

Question by keke2323: I am trying to start up a program for young ladies to promote teen pregnacy, abstinence,drug abuse. ?
Give me a good logo for young teenage ladies.

Best answer:

Answer by Rik B
Your trying to to promote teen pregnacy?

Answer by Jilibean?
Umm..you wanna promote teen pregnancy? Well then I would suggest…
“Open your legs for the dregs”
“No regrets, give it to whomever you like the best”.
“Hey young mother..want another?”
“Don’t you dare text! Just have sex!”

For promoting drugs:
“Have a smoke, instead of a Coke”
“Snort this stuff and look real tough”
“Don’t get caught..with your pot”
“Shoot it in your arm, it works like a charm”

Geeez, I could go on forever.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!