I Am 16 Days Late Getting My Period. 2 Negative Preg Tests, but I “feel” Pregnant? Could I Be?
Question by lafayettegal: I am 16 days late getting my period. 2 negative preg tests, but I “feel” pregnant? Could I be?
I am 27 years old. I have an 11 year old girl and a 2 1/2 year old boy. I am currently 16 days late for my period.I was supposed to get my period on Dec. 14th. I have taken [2] home pregnancy tests and they have both shown negative results. I am usually regular getting my period. I have recently stopped taking “Phentermine” for weight loss and have used “hydorcodone” a pain medicine. Could these medications be causing a false negative result? Could it be that It is too early to show a positive result? I have the following symptoms:increased appetite,mood swings,some cramping in lower back,increased sleepiness,sore breasts,irritable. I have been pretty stressed out, but not any more than usual. Could it be that I am pregnant and it is not detectable yet? If I was pregnant I would be around 6 weeks…PLease help…
The 2 tests that I took, I took them either in the afternnon or evening. Could that too affect the result that would otherwise be positive if taken in the moring?
I havn’t taken the “Phentermine” in about 1 month, and havn’t taken any “hydrocodone” in about 3 weeks.
-heavy feeling in uterus
-increased sex drive
Best answer:
Answer by Nina
Answer by Logan and Ella’s Mommy
Medications can’t give you a false negative, they can only give a false positive and that is when they contain the pregnancy hormone.
It’s best to go to your doctor for a blood test. That way if you aren’t pregnant he or she can figure out what is going on.
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