Husband May Be Using Illegal Drugs?

Question by Danielle O: Husband may be using illegal drugs?
a week ago i looked through my husbands phone and seen some text messages- one asking “hey could you sell some “adds” for me? and another that said- “Hey do you still do subs?”

i confronted him about it, and he said that he is not selling drugs (which was my first thought) and that he once in awhile takes a “sub” when he feels like he wants to do drugs. I’ve been researching what a “sub” is and it’s a drug called suboxone which is used the in the treatment of addicts to get them off of opiates.

To my knowledge, he has never been “addicted” to opiates, i know when he was younger he would pop the occasional pain pill, he did cocaine for a little while and maybe some occasional marijuana smoking.

I’m wondering (maybe from people that have abused suboxone and why they did it and what effects it had on them) why would someone who isnt an addict use “subs”? He does not get them with a prescription, he gets them illegally from friends etc…

He also never sleeps, he can stay up 24 hours and still go to bed at 11 pm the next night. He’s lost a significant amount of weight in the past few months, he eats candy like crazy.

Also he goes from having tons of money to being broke. The other day he asked me for $ 160.00 and it was gone the next day and he asked me for twenty more dollars. When i asked where all his money went he said on gas (which he just drives a little car) and lunch (which obviously doesnt add up unless he went to Ruths Chris) … It just all doesnt add up.

Also today i found a little orange zip lock bag in his shaving kit. like tiny little bag.

What does this all sound like to you?

Best answer:

Answer by n_v_10
yup he is

Answer by Rainman
Sorry but I think he is using

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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