Hunter Moore: Local Boy Does Bad
Hunter Moore: local boy does bad
Filed under: what does cocaine do
Like cocaine, it has an economy of diminishing returns. Moore will have no choice but to up the ante to satisfy the audience's increased craving for entertainment. On Twitter, he was recently asked if he had a sister, would he consider posting a naked … Read more on The Sacramento Press
2 dozen charged in Mexico-US meth smuggling scheme – AP State News – The …
Filed under: what does cocaine do
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said Friday that the law enforcement action also resulted in seizures of more than 1,000 pounds of methamphetamine, 200 pounds of cocaine and 28 pounds of heroin. The San Diego County district attorney says 16 … Read more on Sacramento Bee
Bill O'Reilly: Secular forces on the march | Talking Points | The O'Reilly Factor
Filed under: what does cocaine do
So if you are selling meth, heroin, cocaine, that's not an act that causes harm or pain to another person, oh, no. Are you kidding … But what the paper does not, does not tell you is that violent crime in America has been cut in half since the tough … Read more on Fox News