How Old in the State of California Do You Have to Be to Get a Medical Marijuana Card (With Parent Consent)?

Question by Megan Avery Halcom: How old in the state of California do you have to be to get a medical marijuana card (with parent consent)?
I turn 16 in March and im moving to California soon and I have extreme anxiety/panic attacks and I suffer from bulimia. I’ve found out that when I smoke weed and get “stoned” I tend to calm down a lot and im able to eat without my body rejecting the food. (I AM NOT TRYING TO GET A CARD TO “ABUSE” SMOKING MARIJUANA I ONLY SMOKE ON OCCASION AS IT ISN’T MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD TO DO.) It’s just that I have tried almost every medication there is for my ‘problems’ and the only thing that seems to really help is smoking. Please no rude comments I am trying to go about this in a mature way. (:

Best answer:

Answer by Tony
your doctor has to prescribe it for you

Answer by look up in the ditch
No doctor is going to “prescribe” such drugs to a kid. He’d lose his license,

This is the stupidest reason I’ve ever heard. He’s supposed to medicate you with something to help your anxiety. Pot makes you more paranoid, more anxious.

This is like taking speed to help you relax.

If marijuana was a real drug, you’d take it under a doctor’s care, not self medicate yourself.

You need real mental care, not a drug habit.

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