How Does the “high” of Alcohol Compare to “high” of Other Drugs?

Question by Jimmy L: How does the “high” of alcohol compare to “high” of other drugs?
I know what it feels like being drunk, but since I would never ever do drugs, I am a bit curious about the “high” of being on drugs like cocaine, heroin, meth, etc.
I would never try those, but would like to know first hand experiences.

Best answer:

Answer by James
You can never really know unless you do it, if you do it just once, what ya got to lose?

Answer by BLam
a substance that can make you lay in a bed of your own urine and bile can never end well yeah?

i was the same as you but i gave in to natural drugs: pot.

my reasoning… mother nature>crack head mixing stuff in his basement/garage

but then again, the reason why you do lay in ur own urine and bile is that the drug is so euphoric…
bigger the risk, the bigger the “reward” (High)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!