How Did You Overcome Crack Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Billy: How did you overcome crack cocaine addiction?
Looking for any information on how to successfully recover from crack cocaine addiction.
Personal experiences, public statistics, treatment referrals, resources sites, information on medication…any input is appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Mickey M
Started taking heroin instead and sniffing glue
Answer by sweetie4ever555
I just filled my time with other things at the time i was a smoker so i just smoked more and walked more and tried to keep my mind moving on other things
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From Bath Salts to Spice and Beyond—Elucidating Emerging Drugs of Abuse
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There have been case reports of psychosis caused from its use; other deleterious effects include paranoia, suicidal ideation, and panic. … In fact, in a phase II study, Mithoefer and colleagues found 83% of patients with PTSD who received MDMA along … Read more on Psychiatric Times
Legal highs on the streets of Leeds – just £8 a hit
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In the past more conventional drugs, like cocaine or heroin, have emerged slowly, which allowed the authorities, and users, to gain a greater understanding of their side effects. The new wave of legal highs are now one step ahead of the legislation … Read more on Yorkshire Evening Post