How Cop Nailed Jub Jub

How cop nailed Jub Jub
Filed under: pictures of crack cocaine
This tests for drugs including speed, crack, ecstasy, tik/cat, cocaine, dagga, heroin, amphetamines and methamphetamines. Should the suspect refuse permission for the saliva test, officers can take swabs off his or her cellphone, the steering wheel or … Read more on Independent Online


The War on Drugs is as pointless as it is immoral; obviously it must continue.
Filed under: pictures of crack cocaine
It is also true of cocaine. It is probably also more true than you imagine of heroin. That is, there are some heroin users capable of combining heroin use with a “normal” life. (A minority, possibly, but that's a different matter.) In the end, the War … Read more on (blog)