Hollywood Man Indicted on Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine
Hollywood Man Indicted on Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine
Here is another drug dealer. I can guess that his friends and family are going to say he is nice! and “You don't know him” or if you are going to say something negative about him “I bet you use drugs” (even if they are prescribed)So you have no right … Read more on Southern Maryland News Net
Julie Golob: How to analyze your shots and fire your best group
I'm talking about shooting groups. On one side of the spectrum, for precisions shooters, a tight group means success. … Shots outside the group that end up extremely low on the target point to issues of shot anticipation and it's likely the shooter … Read more on Daily Caller
Laughing Gas Crackdown In Bangkok
Bangkok police Lt. Col. Pitiphan Kridakorn said Monday that police are trying to curb sales of the drug-filled balloons before it gains wider popularity. Illicit sales of nitrous oxide could cause harmful side effects to users and give the country a … Read more on Huffington Post Canada