Heroin Use on the Rise

Heroin use on the rise
Cocaine and crack cocaine were the rage when Carey began his career. Around 2000 … He runs Recovery Options in Champaign and is also an emergency room doctor in Hillsboro. …. There was no special treatment in jail as she went through withdrawal. Read more on Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette

At 65, Bobby Orr is focused on doing good — quietly
“No one does superstar like Bobby Orr,'' said Derek Sanderson, a former Bruins teammate who credits Orr with rescuing him from a potentially deadly addiction to cocaine, Quaaludes, and alcohol. Orr is no …. The Garden sold out nightly, and in a time … Read more on Boston Globe

Enzymatic pathway common to drugs of abuse could lead to new treatment options
The discovery could pave the way for new therapeutic options for treating drug addictions, the researchers claim. "The molecular adaptations induced by ERK include epigenetic regulation that causes a stable response that modifies the structure of DNA, … Read more on Eureka! Science News