Help for a “Crack Baby” Who Is Now 5 Years Old??!! Our Family Is at Our Wits’ End Trying to Help Our Nephew!!
Question by PrincessOfFun35: Help for a “crack baby” who is now 5 years old??!! Our family is at our wits’ end trying to help our nephew!!
My sister and her husband adopted a baby who is now 5. I will call him “Greg”. “Greg” was born addicted to cocaine…and who knows what else. Other than the first 2 months of withdrawals he has been fine physically and has hit all milestones, except for his speech which is very hard to understand. When mentioned, my sister becomes defensive and insists he only “talks fast”. “Greg” has been up visiting this week and we cannot wait until he leaves. Horrible but true and I have TONS of patience normally. He screams over everything and at everyone. The parents say nothing other than he “gets excited”. He tells us “NO” for all we say and disrespects us to our faces. He kicks, hits, pushes and touches his cousins until they cry or scream back. When they do “reprimand” him, it is a “talk” or, last resort, spank with his “rod”. Then he comes right back out and does the same thing again. Today, my 7 year old hugged his grandma, and Greg out punched him in the chest and said “My G”
I have disciplined this boy every time I see this happen (believe me I do NOT tolerate this crap in my home) and this boy is physically very big and strong for his age. I just don’t know how to approach my sister on this. My mother did yesterday and said he needed help and possibly some medication. Sister cried and cried and said they do the best they can. Everything is “blamed” on the crack addition. I think he is a brat and spoiled rotten because they think he is the golden child. Now they have a 2 year old boy who they will adopt any sec. He was born addicted to meth and alcohol. He is as sweet and cute as can be. When provoked by big brother and he cries, my sister says little one is a “wuss”. Sister and hubby are Christian (I am too born again) but in her church the hubby is head of home and what he says goes. He and his family are LOUD and rough and I think this whole thing just means nothing to him. It is about to drive me insane. Thanks for the advice and help here
Sorry forgot to mention that in their church, every child is homeschooled and public schools are considered “evil”. All the women homeschool and do not work outside the home. When mentioned she should work part time outside the home for a little time to herself, sister laughs it off and hubby looks like we are insane. Granted this is my sister’s choice and this is how she wanted to live her life but I am afraid this kid will hurt someone soon and also that I will cause my sister not to speak to me again. Sigh.
Best answer:
Answer by Mean Carleen
One of the ‘victims’ need to knock him on his asss and I bet he will get the understanding then. The parents need to handle him and if not YOU need to because he is hurting YOUR kids. Do not tolerate this disrespect in YOUR home.
Answer by Rick J
See a specialist, it maybe this child should be institutionalize for his and others sake.
You can’t save everyone.
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