Have Conservatives Not Thought Thru Their Philosophical Beliefs?
Question by O’bama Go Bragh: Have conservatives not thought thru their philosophical beliefs?
I am convinced that conservatives are less intelligent than liberals.
They really haven’t thought thru their core beliefs because if they did, they would find out that they lead to logical contradictions.
Take for instance, their opposition to redistribution of wealth and the notion that taxes are theft by the government.
The moment the first tax was levied, redistribution of wealth occurred. Taxes take from the individual for the benefit of the many.
If you didn’t collect taxes, there would be no sustained structure for people to make money to pay the taxes in the first place. Taxes aren’t theft. Taxes are civilization insurance.
Conservatives don’t think things thru or go to the extreme.
Best answer:
Answer by Shaylena
only fascists try to label others
Answer by Zachary G
I think it is you who has not realized the fallacy of your logic.
Then again, that is why you are a liberal.
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