Guest Opinion: Time for a Sensible Marijuana Policy for Rhode Island

Guest Opinion: Time for a sensible marijuana policy for Rhode Island
Insidiously, this prohibition has forced marijuana sales into an underground market where more dangerous products such as heroin and cocaine are also offered. Ironically, prohibition ensures that the state has no control over the product. Criminals … Read more on The Patriot Ledger

Guest Opinion: Time for a sensible pot policy
Insidiously, this prohibition has forced marijuana sales into an underground market where more dangerous products such as heroin and cocaine are also offered. Ironically, prohibition ensures that the state has no control over the product. Criminals … Read more on Taunton Daily Gazette

Spiked Heroin Blamed For Rash Of Deaths
Last week, the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment published an analysis of data on mortality risks of users of cocaine and heroin. The study revealed that users of those drugs are at a 14-times higher risk of fatality, compared to the general population. Read more on RedOrbit