Does Anybody Know Where I Can Find a Treatment Center Here in Seattle, Washington?
Question by derek: Does anybody know where I can find a treatment center here in Seattle, Washington?
I’m from Seattle, Washington and I’m just wondering if anybody knows where I can find a treatment center for marijuana. See, my friend Bobby was addicted to marijuana before but he went to a rehab around 3 months ago and he got treated. The problem is, it’s been 3 months and he’s still acting kinda strange. He’s lonelier than ever and he hardly talks. I’m not that sure but I really have this strange feeling that he’s still addicted to marijuana. So, I want to find a list of treatment centers here in Seattle because I really think he still needs some help. Answers are much appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
Ask him.
It may be that he’s been swept up into AA/NA which are not the benign organizations they are portrayed to be. Many think of them as cults, if not, they are at least cult-like, calling non-members “normies” or “earth people” and suggesting that new people only associate with other members.
Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult
What’s Not Good About A.A.
(There is almost no difference between AA and NA, they are both 12step based.)
Answer by Aaron
Are you sure that your friend is still into marijuana? I think the best thing to do is to ask him about it first. If he refuses to cooperate with you then start asking for other people’s help because you maybe right. There is a long list of drug treatment centers in Seattle, Washington so I included some links that will help you.
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