Difference Between Cocaine and Crack?
Question by amee: difference between cocaine and crack?
okay so if you smoke cocaine is it crack? can you smoke pure cocaine? what’s the difference between crack cocaine and free base cocaine? are they just fancy names for crack or are they different? i’m really confused as to what crack really is.
btw this is all for a research paper for my abnormal psych class
Best answer:
Answer by Lou
Cocaine is made from the coca plant. Crack is made by black people.
Answer by mathew
you get a diffrent high when its rocked up into crack,use wikipedia,theyll have ir answer.
Sanity in sentencing [Editorial]
There are about 7,000 people serving federal prison sentences for crimes related to crack cocaine who would not still be there if they had, instead, possessed or sold powder cocaine. That's the non-sensical and costly result of Congress' panic over the …
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He said he called Dreisbach the day after the murder because he heard his name being mentioned in connection with the killing. "I thought, 'What the [expletive] is going on?" he said. Hours later, his child's mother … He said they went in a minivan …
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