Demi Lovato Takes to Twitter to Thank Her Fans for Their Support

Demi Lovato Takes to Twitter to Thank Her Fans for Their Support
Lovato, a friend of Selena Gomez, also posted several motivational messages to her fans, referring to her success at overcoming a big challenge. “You CAN … Lovato revealed how extensive her addiction to drugs and alcohol problems had become in an … Read more on The Epoch Times

December proved to be a busy month at the border
Background checks revealed the North Carolina resident had been convicted of delivering and dealing in cocaine and for possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute and also had an impaired driving charge. The Texas-based man admitted to … Read more on Estevan Mercury

Editorial: Radel had no choice
Radel had too much to overcome. He faced an avalanche of criticism after his drug arrest and admission to alcohol abuse. He had lost the support of his party, of the state's governor and many other leaders. He was not going to win back the public trust … Read more on Pensacola News Journal