Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

Pictures of Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

CRACK The chemical cocaine hydrochloride is commonly known as cocaine. Some users chemically process lung cancer emphysema and other lung damage respiratory problems such as congestion … Return Doc

Photos of Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

Fact Sheet: Health Issues Affecting Crack Smokers
As HIV, HCV, Tuberculosis and other serious health problems (Wong, 2001). What is crack: Crack is the street name for a crystallized form of cocaine made into small lumps or rocks. … Doc Retrieval

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Photos

Crack: Cocaine Squared
Tossed around pretty carelessly, crack (or “rock” cocaine, as it’s sometimes called) has lived up to its billing as the Smoking crack can also cause respiratory problems and decreased lung function. … Get Content Here

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Pictures

KTS Cocaine Leaflet
Long-term cocaine abuse may lead to lung disorders, and eventually to cardiac failure. Chronic cocaine and crack use can lead to the premature ageing of the cardio-vascular system, and this is of particular relevance to Scotland, where the prevalence of cardio-vascular problems is already high. … Document Viewer

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Pictures

The Risks
problems in the event of an over dose. What is Crack Cocaine? Crack cocaine is a highly addictive of Crack cocaine include: • trouble sleeping, lung infections • irritability and mood swings … View Full Source

Pictures of Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

Other respiratory problems. He had smoked 30 cigarettes a day for 14 years andhadused cocaine for the preceding four years. eosinophilic lung disease inducedbya hyper-sensitivity reaction to crack cocaine. … Document Retrieval

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Images

problems • damage to inside of the nose, chronic nose bleeds • weakened immune system (the body has difficulty fighting infection) • breathing problems, chronic cough, bronchitis • heart and liver damage • death by heart or lung failure Cocaine Crack Cocaine … Read Content

Images of Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

Crack Cocaine: Facts
Severe breathing and lung effects; liver damage, malnutrition, overstim-ulation of all body ? Are you having problems at work, school, with family and friends? ? Are you willing to do anything to get crack? FACT: Cocaine … Retrieve Here

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Pictures

Long-Term effects: Prolonged Cocaine abuse can cause a number of other problems including: that guide Cocaine and crack Cocaine abusers through their recovery process. … Fetch Content

Pictures of Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

Is cocaine Addictive? Crack & Yes. Clinicians Estimate That …
Crack & Cocaine Just the Facts Adolescents may not be aware of the anxious, and intense cravings for more cocaine. What are the long-term effects? Heart problems,permanent and “crack lung,” a condition characterized by pneumonia-like … Document Viewer

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Images

ABCs – Cocaine And Crack
Inject cocaine risk infections including hepatitis and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Freebase and crack smokers report severe throat and lung irritations. They may cough up black phlegm or blood. • If you use drugs often, you can develop serious personal problems. … Return Doc

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Images

People who snort cocaine develop nasal problems including holes and inflammation. Those who inject increase their risk for HIV and other blood transmitted diseases, as well as infection. Crack users increase the risk of lung cancer, and respiratory infections. No matter how cocaine is used there … Document Viewer

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Images

problems caused by cocaine addiction: • convulsions • weight loss • learning and memory problems • “crack dancing” • problems associated with intravenous drug use, such as hepatitis and AIDS • problems associated with crack use, such as lung … Fetch Content

Images of Crack Cocaine Lung Problems

Cocaine (Powder)
Later, in the mid-1980’s, crack cocaine, which is derived from powder cocaine, became Prolonged cocaine abuse can cause a number of other problems including:78 … Access Doc

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Photos

Cocaine Cocaine
Crack cocaine Crack is a type of freebase cocaine sold in the Smoking freebase cocaine (crack) can cause breathing difficulties, a long-term cough, chest pain and lung damage. health, money, legal, work and relationship problems. Not all people who use cocaine are … Read Here

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Photos

Cocaine – FACT SHEET
Counteract a cocaine overdose. Effects of Long-Term Use After heavy use of cocaine or crack over a long period of time, a person may experience: – chapped skin under the nose and damage inside the nose if snorted – throat or lung irritations when smoked – problems experiencing pleasure … Retrieve Here

Crack Cocaine Lung Problems Images

Cocaine Comes In A Number – Cocaine Cocaine
The immediate effects of cocaine and crack don’t last very long. They usually peak in 2–5 minutes and last from 10 minutes up to a couple of hours. reathing problems and lung damage from smoking D • amage to the nose from snorting … Doc Retrieval