Crack Cocaine Jail Time
IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PRESS RELEASE Date/Time of Offense(s), or Charge(s): March 8,2008@1630 hours Offense(s)/Charge(s): Possession of Crack Cocaine and Possession of as the person that ran, but was arrested for Possession of Crack Cocaine and he was taken to the Iredell County Jail where he … Fetch Content
The time of his arrest. He was held brief-ly at the Alvin City Jail, and then trans- er who said he sold crack cocaine to Flannery around the time of the murder. … Fetch Full Source

“A dealer a day” – an intensive effort by Cleveland police to disrupt and jail those This is the third time certainly while I’ve been in the police service that crack cocaine has had an emergence, and I think this probably is the … Retrieve Here

National District Attorneys Association
First time users are almost never sent to jail but are directed into treatment programs; a jail sentence is suspended to provide an incentive for them to participate in treatment. Myth 2. There is no difference between the affect of crack versus powder cocaine on the … Read Document
USA Today Article
He was charged with selling crack and was looking at 2-to-7 years in prison. But he had another option. "I had a choice of doing jail time or changing my life and going through experiment to attack a growing crack cocaine epidemic in Miami. They rely on … Get Content Here
IN POSSESSION OF CRACK COCAINE Date/Time: 04-03-2009 @ 11:02 a.m. Location: 8409 Dyer Possession of Cocaine. Pacheco was booked into the El Paso County Jail on a bond of … Doc Retrieval
Janet Taylor, Her Story, Her Words.
Here I was in jail again for the umpteenth time. There was nothing really different about this time Crack cocaine took me down some of the darkest, loneliest, and most … View Doc
DEVIL'S CANDY CRACK COCAINE ? Life of A Crackhead ? Once upon a time there was a crack in my life, crack cocaine DON'T protect a crackhead from their crack-behaviorconsequences. DON'T chase them, or crack cocaine. Pray for a safe return. DON'T believe ANYTHING said in jail begging to get out DON'T … Document Retrieval
Mandatory Sentencing
Therefore it takes much less crack cocaine than powder cocaine to trigger a mandatory jail sentence. signed a law that kept in place the disputed federal mandatory minimum sentences for powder and crack cocaine. Clinton said at the time that … Fetch Full Source

State Legislation Monitoring Report: FY2003
Changes in “crack” cocaine and “powder” cocaine penalties (effective FY2004; first-offense burglars in FY2002 received sentences involving jail time, compared with … Fetch Here
Curtis Turner pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute five grams or more of crack cocaine Turner and Jones were both arrested and transported to the Cass County Jail. based on what [the executive] branch of the federal government is advocating at the time.” … View Full Source
St. Petersburg Times
Deputy Steven Wagner clearly recalled selling crack cocaine to Harry Lee "I think most of the time, police do a great job and get the right Whiting spent 81 days in jail after Pinellas sheriff's deputies misidentified her as a woman who sold them crack cocaine in 1999. … Get Content Here
Purifoy testified that he bought cocaine from Perdue six or seven times during this period. Each time he purchased two or three ounces of cocaine that he would later cook into crack cocaine. … View Doc
13 “Don’t touch cocaine. I spent two years in jail because of try and the pro-cocaine messages coming out of Hollywood at that time in? uenced millions. cannabis, crack and cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, ecstasy, heroin, … Access Full Source
Chapter 13 – Proceedings Before Trial
This allows prosecutors to be assured jail time, and reduces the risk of a larger sentence for defendants. Comments: Arrested at his store by undercover police after attempting to sell a large quantity of crack cocaine. Alleged to be a big-time dealer. … Fetch Document
Crimes Code Of Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania
For possession of more than 30 grams, the penalties go up to 1 year in jail and $5000 in fines. Automatic six month loss of license. If you are a first time marijuana offender, it is Possession of more than five grams of crack (cocaine) may be subject to a minimum … Read Here

Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission
The law set special threshold levels for crack cocaine, with smaller amounts of crack required to trigger the most severe penalties. Offenders with non-imprisonment felony sentences are subject to jail time according to law. … Return Doc

Crime In Vanderburgh County – How Stan Levco Is Failing Our …
Officers found one bag containing 53 rocks of crack cocaine with a weight of 20.6 grams and another bag containing two large rocks of crack offered this suspect a plea deal of D felony Possession of Cocaine for 1 year suspended to the drug and alcohol program – no jail time.-Dealing Cocaine … View Document