Heroin Has Become Common in County
Heroin has become common in county
They also frequently smoke it by setting some on top of a piece of foil, then heating it and inhaling the smoke through a short tube. And, of course, it's easy to inject. Since… Continue reading
Ross Kemp Investigates the Dark Side of Brazil
Ross Kemp investigates the dark side of Brazil
Rio is fast becoming addicted to crack cocaine. Since Brazil was awarded the World Cup finals seven years ago, crack cocaine, the more addictive form of the drug, has swept through Rio… Continue reading
How to Remove Crack Cocaine From Hair Testing Positive?
Question by Lisa R: how to remove crack cocaine from hair testing positive?
was only once a week use
Best answer:
Answer by nandkstuckeys
Most importantly, stop using. I know that is easier said than done but that is some… Continue reading
Can You Smell Crack Cocaine?
by marsmet533
Question by Aaliyah S: can you smell crack cocaine?
if someone is sitting in a room (door not toweled)
n they smoke crack
will you be able to smell it if u are standing right outside the room?… Continue reading
How Do You Know You Did Crack Like What Are the Side Effects?
Question by Ana: How do you know you did crack like what are the side effects?
So I had a friend who I think gave me crack cocaine saying it was weed. It was my first time trying it so… Continue reading
Avalon Pulse #340
Avalon Pulse #340
Gil: Ech, dopiero teraz zauwa?y?em, ?e Doctor Mindbuble ma crack-pipe wyrastaj?c? z czo?a… Really, Rick Remender? Jest cienka granica …. Pewnie s?ysz?c te odg?osy pomy?leli, ?e szefu przerzuci? si? na dubstep… Troch? zabawne jest to, ?e dok?adnie… Continue reading