Crack Cocaine

Crack Lung/ Cocaine Use ?

Question by *~Shandie~*: Crack lung/ Cocaine use ?
How long does it take lungs to recover from the syndrome after a binge?

Best answer:

Answer by Nino
I have binged many times on crack (former addict). I’ve only been clean… Continue reading

Why Does Crack Increase Risk of HIV?

Question by queso5204: why does crack increase risk of HIV?

Best answer:

Answer by serf
It doesn’t.

Answer by georgiany511
because addicts will do ANYTHING for another hit, and they have unprotected sex if thats what… Continue reading

How Bad Is Crack Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Big John Horton: How bad is crack cocaine addiction?
I’ll make this short and to the point.
I know someone who is heavily addicted to smoking crack cocaine and that’s all they do.
they spend their… Continue reading

Serious Help Needed: Crystal Meth or Crack?

Question by Kristy M: Serious Help Needed: Crystal Meth or Crack?
My cousin used to do crack cocaine a couple years ago and got caught and went to prison for 2 years for being caught smoking and possession… Continue reading

Test Positine for Cocaine?

Question by mmajor59: test positine for cocaine?
i never use cocaine. but tests postive.

Best answer:

Answer by pattiscricket
maybe your just lying to everyone that you are a user. get help before its to late.

Answer by Beautiful
if… Continue reading

Prospective Changes to Federal Sentencing Guidelines: What Would You Ask US

Prospective changes to federal sentencing guidelines: What would you ask US
The laws have been primarily focused on crack cocaine crimes, versus powder cocaine. Ponsor and others have argued that, while there is strength in equity, the guidelines became… Continue reading