Crack Cocaine

Jailed: Drug Dealers Found Trading Crack Cocaine and Heroin in Popular Ely Lane

Jailed: drug dealers found trading crack cocaine and heroin in popular Ely lane
“These men were involved in highly-addictive and destructive drugs in a lane used by innocent members of public going about their business,” he said. “Hopefully these sentences… Continue reading

Crack Cocaine vs. Powder Cocaine?

Question by anthony d: crack cocaine vs. powder cocaine?
i am doing a debate for school and i need a little help. my side is pro for reducing prison sentences for people convicted of possessing, selling etc crack cocaine and… Continue reading

Curious Approach

Curious approach
In reports, Duterte was quick to say that the drugs were meant for another destination, that Davao was merely a transit point, because “there's no market for this here… it's too expensive.” He has followed that up by… Continue reading

Rent Boys, the Crystal Methodist and Twisted Values at the BBC

Rent boys, the Crystal Methodist and twisted values at the BBC
Readers may recall that last November the Mail on Sunday discovered that Mr Flowers had bought and taken illegal drugs, including crystal meth, crack cocaine and ketamine. Apparently… Continue reading

Can One Hit of Cocaine Alter Your Brain Chemistry Permanently?

Question by Leo: Can one hit of Cocaine alter your brain chemistry permanently?
Just wondering, or is there any other drug when used for a few times might change your brain chemistry for a loooong period of time.… Continue reading

The Day in Photos

The day in photos
Rob Ford, who is running for re-election as Toronto Mayor, made global headlines last year after admitting he had smoked crack cocaine. Reuters. People gather for a rally …. Please confirm the information below before… Continue reading