Cocaine Rehab?
Question by cash_thug69: cocaine rehab?
i am on probation i have come out dirty the only 2 times i have had the p o do me a drug test but i have been doing things i regret so im thinking about asking the officer to send me to a rehab center i am 18 years old i want to know what rehabs are like so i can see if it is a good place for me to go and also will it cost me money if the p o decides he can send me cuz i do not have money to pay for it and no family to support me
Best answer:
Answer by Sunflower
They have free ones. Good luck. My friend is going in for the 6th time, but at lease he/she wants off. The sad part is that he/she keeps the same bad company after he/she is released.
The saddest part is that he/she is so happy once released and swears that he/she will not touch it again and feels good and can see his/her goals in life. But………… always happens…….back with the same old crowd, thinking that he/she kicked it and can still hang with the bad people without using. He/she always loses.
Best of luck.
Prayed for ya !
Answer by snowbaby
If your PO sends you then the courts will often help you pay for it. Rehab is a bitch, it’s hard and it’s not something you actually will want to be doing once you get there but if you stick with it it’s so worth it. There are rehabs everywhere and a lot of times they accept payment plans so you can pay as you get better. They help you get clean, make good connections, get a job/go back to school. And it’s the best thing you can do for yourself, as weird as that sounds. You just have to commited to it and relaly really want to get clean.
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SAN JOSE — A nonprofit alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility was shut down Wednesday after the state denied an extension of its license for unspecified reasons, shuttling residents to other centers. A small bus full of clients was seen leaving the …
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