Cocaine Addiction Factors

COCAINE AND STIMULANT ADDICTION – A BRIEF REVIEW by Dr.Julius Meller Co-morbidity associations with mental illness are very high, including life-time effects, Common familial and genetic factors are also found. The joint conditions are associated with unfavorable outcomes, particularly in men, but … View This Document

Research Report Series
Cocaine abuse and addiction continue . to plague our Nation By mapping genetic factors, epigenetic mechanisms, and brain regions respon-sible for the multiple effects of cocaine, we are gaining fundamental insights that can help us identify new targets for treating cocaine addiction. … View Document

CE FEATURE Medical Complications Of Cocaine Addiction …
Article 1: Medical Complications of Cocaine Addiction: Clinical Implications for Nursing Practice Journal of Addictions Nursing (17:4) Continuing Education Credit: 1.5 contact hour Purpose:Toidentify factors associated with cocaine-related medical complications and the implications for nursing practice. … Retrieve Full Source

The Art Of Addiction:
Development of a cocaine addiction. The factors from each of the categories play a significant role in the initial use of cocaine, the individual’s response to cocaine as well as factors that … Document Retrieval

Unlike other substances, cocaine addiction is incredibly complicated because it involves a wide range of biological changes in brain chemistry, allied with a combination of complex family, social and environmental factors. … Access Full Source

Generality Of Psychopathy Checklist Revised Factors Over …
Generality was assessed also across addiction subtypes (opioid, cocaine, and alcohol), age, gender, and ethnicity. factors consistently produced unreliable and uninterpretable fac- tors, whereas the two-factor model, even when subjected … Access Document

Why is cocaine so addictive? Cocaine addiction is related to four factors: (1) speed of onset; (2) degree of pleasure associated with use; (3) degree of pain and discomfort associated with discontin- … View Full Source

Anticipation of receiving cocaine may cause significant increases in dopamine levels. This finding may help explain why, in humans recovering from cocaine addiction, cocaine paraphernalia, surroundings, and other factors associated with drug use can elicit an intense … Access Content

Brain-derived Neurotrophic factor And cocaine addiction
Research Report Brain-derivedneurotrophic factor and cocaine addiction JacquelineF. alterations in calcium influx, phosphorylation -dephosphorylation events, and the activation of immediate early genes and transcription factors … Read Here

EEG Biofeedback As An Adjunctive Therapy In The Treatment Of …
The National Institute on Drug Abuse states “cocaine abuse and addiction is a complex problem involving biological changes in the brain as well as a myriad of social, familial, and environmental factors”, (2002, … Return Doc

The Neuropsychology Of Cocaine Addiction: Recent Cocaine Use …
The Neuropsychology of Cocaine Addiction: Recent Cocaine Use MasksImpairment Patricia AWoicik *, 1, Scott JMoeller 2, Nelly Alia-Klein 1, Thomas In addition, we aimed to test the effects of four factors that commonly vary within cocaine–addicted groups, namely urine status for cocaine, history of cigarette … Visit Document

Drug Abuse And Addiction
• recognize that addiction is influenced by biological factors (for example, addiction and the results of the cocaine self-administration experiments … Read Content

REGULATION OF COCAINE-INDUCED ACTIVATOR PROTEIN 1 TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS BY THE EXTRACELLULAR of cocaine addiction. We propose that new therapeutic treatments against drug addiction could comprise selective … Retrieve Document

PowerPoint Presentation
It`s effectiveness is limited to the concrete use of a certain targeted substance and it has no effect on other risk factors and on „addiction as an illness“. Need for communication At the time given there is a need to an informed community debate about what role, if any, a cocaine vaccine may … Read Document