Cocaine Addiction Dilated Pupils

Signs And Symptoms Of Drug Abuse
addiction to get help and achieve sobriety. Abused drugs range from over-the-counter cold remedies to cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines. have dilated pupils: The eyes will look like big black holes and eye color will be hard to see … Access Full Source

PowerPoint Presentation
– Sigmund Freud publishes an article in which he recommends the use of cocaine to treat morphine addiction. Dilated Pupils. Nausea/Vomiting. Severe Nose Damage (when snorted) Violent Behavior … Return Doc

Cocaine Fact Sheet
Cocaine is a Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulant: • Made from the South American coca bush Rapid breathing and heart rate, dilated pupils and sweating • Euphoric, energetic, alert, enhanced sociability, loss of appetite … Fetch Content

Cocaine (Powder)
• Dilated pupils • Increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure 5 NIDA Research Report Series: Cocaine Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved October 27, 2006, from … Get Content Here

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addiction, addictions, addictive drugs, aggression, agression, agressive, blow, cocain, cocaine, cocane, cocian, cociane, coke, crack, detox, dilated pupils, dizziness, dizzyness, dopamine, drug abuse, drug addiction, drug dependence, drug effects, drug use, drugs, effects … Read More

Cocaine Abuse And Addiction Research Report
Tions to treat cocaine addiction. One of NIDA’s most important goals is to translate what scientists effects of cocaine include con-stricted blood vessels; dilated pupils; and increased temperature, … Fetch Doc

Symptoms of use:and reflexes, dilated pupils, increased appetite, dryness of psychosis, high potential for addiction. Methods of use: Crack Cocaine-Crack, Rock, Symptoms of use:anxiety, increased pulse rate, dilated pupils, paranoia, agitation, hallucinations, teeth grinding … View Doc

Physical side effects that have been known to be caused by cocaine use are: Decreased Appetite Increased Body Temperature Increased Heart Rate Dilated Pupils Nausea/Vomiting Severe Severe Anxiety Attacks Hallucinations (in extreme cases) Aggressive Behavior Addiction and Withdrawal Cocaine is one … Read Full Source

Research Report Series
Treating cocaine addiction. NIDA remains vigilant in its quest for . more effective strategies to address effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels; dilated pupils; and increased body … Retrieve Here

The nasal septum t*cardiac arrest t*convulsions t*kidney failure t*stroke t*seizures t*high risk of dependence (addiction Problems using cocaine In the short term, cocaine can produce increased heart rate, paranoia, agitation, dilated pupils, hallucinations, tremors, muscle twitches, nausea and vomiting. … Read Here

Abuse of this common street drug can lead to severe addiction and serious health consequences. PHYSICAL EFFECTS: The physical effects of cocaine include: ? constricted peripheral blood vessels ? dilated pupils ? increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. ? … Doc Viewer

Pressure or pulse rate, dilated pupils Long periods without sleeping or eating Euphoria * Cocaine, while classified under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) as a narcotic, is also discussed as a stimulant. … Retrieve Full Source

Crack And Cocaine
Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Increased use can reduce the period of time a user feels high and increases the risk of addiction. Some users of cocaine reportfeelings of … Retrieve Doc

Cocaine And Its Affects On Humans
And lungs Possible strokes and heart attacks Short-Term vs. Long-Term Effects Increased energy and mental alertness, and euphoria Increased temperature and dilated pupils Addiction and Irritability Mood disturbances and depression Paranoia and auditory hallucinations PET Scan of Brain Cocaine on … Read Here