Cocaine Abuse

Crack and Cocaine Project Help?

Question by SaHiL DeSAi: Crack and cocaine project help?
Does anyone have any personal stories about abusing or using these drugs i need to know it for a health project

Best answer:

Answer by Ozzie
Sadly no and… Continue reading

US Attorney on Civil Rights: There Is Much Still to Do

US Attorney on civil rights: there is much still to do
Other speakers included long-time civil rights activist Dick Gregory, Equal Opportunity Commission Chair Jacqueline Berrien and Jamie Williamson of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD). … Discrimination in school… Continue reading

Big Colorado Pot Business Bans Drug Use at Work

Big Colorado pot business bans drug use at work
Colorado has legalized the sale and use of marijuana. But under federal law it is illegal and deemed dangerous, like cocaine. O.penVAPE, which employs more than 125 people in Colorado, says… Continue reading

Panel Discusses Addiction, Opiate Abuse, and Hope in Sharon

Panel discusses addiction, opiate abuse, and hope in Sharon
O'Neil was part of an open forum held on Apr. 8 as part of Sharon's Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse Awareness Initiative that drew approximately 50 people looking for information.… Continue reading

Take Back Initiative to Collect Expired, Unused Medication

Take Back Initiative to collect expired, unused medication
According to the DEA and 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, prescription drugs that languish in home medicine cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription… Continue reading

What Are the Specific Signs of Cocaine Withdrawal(heart Rate Ect)?

Question by murmurer: what are the specific signs of cocaine withdrawal(heart rate ect)?

Best answer:

Answer by Luluska
How specific do you want them to be? Heart rate is pretty individual, you know.
Anyway, I’m sure all drug withdrawal… Continue reading