Three of a Kind: Kim Kardashian, Charlie Sheen, Simon Cowell
Three of a kind: Kim Kardashian, Charlie Sheen, Simon Cowell
Brooke, who has been to rehab for cocaine addiction more than 20 times, is reportedly "ecstatic" her former lover is marrying the porn star because they get on really well.… Continue reading
The War on Drugs Faces New Threat: Heroin
The war on drugs faces new threat: heroin
A law-enforcement official who works undercover and remained anonymous for this article said the Montana Meth Project has largely “knocked out” methamphetamine use, but in the last seven years prescription drug abuse… Continue reading
Ephedrine Addiction Symptoms?
Question by BlueAngel: Ephedrine addiction symptoms?
I need to know the symptoms and signs of Ephedrine addiction. Please. My daughter is trying to loose weight. She has been taking ephedrine for about 6 months, maybe more. I don’t even know… Continue reading
Cocaine . the Effects ? Nose Rot ?
Question by : cocaine . the effects ? nose rot ?
ok i KNOW it rots your knows and i KNOW the effets i do use it( not much though, to be honest mephadrone is more of my thing (not… Continue reading
Cocaine vs. Adderall?
Question by russellian0124: Cocaine vs. adderall?
What are the similarities and differences between cocaine and adderall?
Best answer:
The privilege pill
The pill goes by the names Vitamin-A, kiddy cocaine, and the smart drug. It's reliable, it works fast, and… Continue reading