The Ultimate Warrior Joins a Long List of Wrestlers Who Died Prematurely
The Ultimate Warrior joins a long list of wrestlers who died prematurely
Guerrero's death, in particular, exposed the rampant abuse of alcohol and cocaine and wrestlers' dependence on pain medicines such as Percocet, Vicodin and Soma, a muscle relaxant. Although… Continue reading
Is This Drug Chart Real?
Question by : Is this drug chart real?
I just wanted to know if this accurately accesses the physical damage and dependancy levels of the drugs it has listed.
how can breathing in a solvent do less… Continue reading
Drugs, Security, and Latin America: The New Normal?
Drugs, Security, and Latin America: The New Normal?
They did it by what I would call single-issue approach to the drug abuse problem. First it was … Now this approach actually made some degree of sense, and I would suggest… Continue reading
Info About Cocaine?????
Question by LalaLUCY: Info about cocaine?????
how can you tell if someone is on coke?
if someone is addicted, and they need to stop, and they can not tell anyone about this…whats a good alternative to help them?… Continue reading
Signs That Someone Is Using Cocaine?
Question by M: Signs that someone is using cocaine?
What signs indicate that someone (who doesn’t want me to know) has a cocaine habit?
How do these signs differ from cannabis?
Also, I’ve heard cocaine isn’t very addictive..… Continue reading
'We'Re All Paying': Heroin Spreads Misery in US
'We're All Paying': Heroin Spreads Misery In US
As prescription drug abuse rose, so, too, did federal and state crackdowns aimed at shutting down pill mills and increasing tracking of prescriptions and pharmacy-hopping pill seekers. Users turned to …. But… Continue reading