Former NBA Standout and Recovering Addict Delivers Anti-Drug in Anne Arundel
Former NBA standout and recovering addict delivers anti-drug in Anne Arundel
For the past four years, Herren — whose story of substance abuse was the subject of a 2011 ESPN documentary, "Unguarded" — has moved crowds with his gritty message… Continue reading
How Does Cocaine Effects the Different Parts of the Brain?
Question by pingping: how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?
what is dopamine? how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?
Best answer:
Answer by amie r
The most extensively studied effect of… Continue reading
Suspicious Behavior During Processing Nets Drug Charges
Suspicious behavior during processing nets drug charges
EDWARDSVILLE — A Mississippi woman was charged Friday in Madison County Circuit Court with the felonies bringing contraband into a penal institution and unlawful possession of a controlled substance (cocaine), a release from… Continue reading
Is There Any Available Drug Abuse Treatment in St. Paul, Minnesota?
Question by josh: Is there any available drug abuse treatment in St. Paul, Minnesota?
I wonder if there is any available drug abuse treatment for cocaine. I now live in New York but I decided that if I really want… Continue reading
While One State Wants to Criminalize "Bad" Pregnant People, Another Goes …
While One State Wants to Criminalize "Bad" Pregnant People, Another Goes …
Now, it could once again be a crime, as the senate has passed SB 1391, allowing misdemeanor assault charges against mothers in cases in which babies are born… Continue reading
America's New Drug Policy Landscape
America's New Drug Policy Landscape
The Pew Research Center's report on U.S. drug policy comes at a pivotal moment in the national debate over how best to deal with drug abuse. There is a new bipartisan effort in Congress… Continue reading