Cocaine Abuse

Other Therapeutic Options for Drug Dependents

Other Therapeutic Options for Drug Dependents
More and more Americans think nothing of going to the inner city to buy a sachet or two of cocaine or buzz up with Ecstasy in a trendy club. Alongside the uncontrolled narcotics …… Continue reading

Supreme Court to Weigh Cellphone Searches

Supreme Court to Weigh Cellphone Searches
Law-enforcement advocates argue phones are similar to other personal effects found on someone at the time of arrest: Police can go through photos, address books and similar materials found on a person without obtaining… Continue reading

Heroin on Campus

Heroin on Campus
“Frankly, there was not a lot of discussion about hard drug use before last month because our surveying data suggested it's at very low level and we didn't have any kind of event that drew our attention… Continue reading

When Does Cocaine Usage Cause Paranoia?

Question by 911-119-999: When does cocaine usage cause paranoia?
When someone is using cocaine, how many months of usage would it take for him/her to be mentally affected?
For example:
Paranoia on a regular base

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

Fresno CA Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Expanded Drug Treatment Services

Fresno CA Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Expanded Drug Treatment Services
It does not take rocket science to understand and comprehend how devastating and powerful drug addiction affects individuals. Where casual drug use with a marijuana joint or line of cocaine… Continue reading

What Are Signs of Cocain Abuse?

Question by Nattie: What are signs of cocain abuse?
My sister told me that she just tried it with her boyfriend, but her behavior for the past couple months has changed.

Best answer:

Answer by pinkbegonias
sniffling, bloody noses, impatience,… Continue reading