Can My Son Abuse Ritalin to Get High Even Though He Has Adhd?
Question by Aergrghadf Dgssadhgasdhdg: can my son abuse ritalin to get high even though he has adhd?
im concerned because he has been experimenting with herbs and recently i found out he has tried cocaine (powder form ) so im just wondering could he? not that he is i just wana know for my part
Best answer:
Answer by Tim
Off course he can, but the cocaine thing seems like a much bigger problem. Not only because he’s already tried it, but because it also shows that when you deny him his ritalin, he can just as easily get some drugs somewhere else.
Answer by BigNeil
Yes, he’d need a high dose though(since a normal dose would just make him function more normal).
Cocaine and Ritalin(any combination of uppers really) could amplify each-other, so tell him to be very careful, if he’s using both.
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