Can a Person Use Crack Cocain, “occasionally” and Not Become Addicted? This Is the Spew My Husband Is Telling

Question by kprice7122: Can a person use crack cocain, “occasionally” and not become addicted? This is the spew my husband is telling
Ok, my husband is occasionally using crack, he says he doesnt have a problem. I moved out, and think hes full of crap, I dont want to sound stupid, I’m not into drugs, so I dont know much about it. He “hid” crack in our home, and wouldnt tell me about it. Now that Ive moved out he seems to want to have nothing to do with me, I’m cute, and a good wife, so whats up??!! my husbands a weirdo huh u guys?

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Task force, police seize K worth of heroin, cocaine
Filed under: crack cocain
Following a short foot chase, local police agencies nabbed a Cincinnati man and seized $ 14,000 worth of heroin and crack cocaine Wednesday in Fairfield. Butler County Undercover Regional Narcotics Task Force agents and Fairfield police stopped Brian A. Read more on Middletown Journal


Marshall police arrest Marshall man after serving search warrant
Filed under: crack cocain
The search warrant was obtain based on information received about the distribution of crack cocaine from the residence, police officials said. Officers seized a quantity of crack cocain, evidence of packaging the drug for sale and a quantity of U.S … Read more on The Marshall Democrat-News