BC Mountie Won't Go to Jail for Stealing Cocaine

BC Mountie won't go to jail for stealing cocaine
A conditional discharge means Seib will not have a criminal record if he obeys his probation orders. He was also ordered to continue with counselling for drug addiction and mental illness. "He's taken ownership of this right from the outset," McDougall … Read more on CBC.ca

Qat ban divides opinion among UK's Somali community
"So qat may be sold with cannabis, or maybe cocaine. So if you ban it, you protect a small population who may be harmed by using qat, but you are creating a greater level of harm to the rest of the community, who you will be criminalising, and exposing … Read more on The Guardian

'Legalise It, Don't Criticise It' – Should Cannabis Be Legalised?
Specifically, people with schizophrenia show a decrease in dopamine levels in the frontal cortex of the brain and an increase in dopamine levels in the limbic region of the brain which is responsible for many functions including addiction (Rogers, 2001 … Read more on Huffington Post UK