Aren’t Drugs Worse Than Alcohol? 20 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

Question by Haily Wellington: Aren’t drugs worse than alcohol? 20 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?
I am doing a class project in lanugage for “IF ALCOHOL SHOULD BE ILLIGAL LIKE NON PRECRIPTION DRUGS (SUCH AS COCAINE, CRAK, ECSTASY)” I picked that alcohol shoul still be LEGAL like it is now. I need help finding facts stating why it should!!!

TRy to tell compare to illigal drugs!!!


Best answer:

Answer by Sweetie
Alcohol when abused can be very damaging, life threatening and fatal, just like non prescription drugs. I dont have resources or facts, but more first & second hand experience with alcohol.. AND illegal street drugs.

I still think alcohol when compared to some of those heavy drugs out there, is not as damaging and is often times safer than getting high off a line, an injection of lethal fluid or a big hit from some smoking device.

To start, it is manufactured! And made in a factory or winehouse (or wherever alcohol is produced), not an abandoned house in the projects, an addict’s kitchen or in the middle of a desert with a spoon. Not to mention its also produced in a clean work place with clean tools/utinsils (spelling?)

Its also more “carefully” created since employees shouldnt be under the influence of anything at work. Where as, in a meth lab, or a cook’s house, the bakers & chefs are very much under the influence of something(s) while stirring up a batch. You never know what may have accidentily gotten in there, if the dosages & temps are right, or if something was laced. Worse case, a whole batch that had 1 deadly, fatal ingredient accidentily dropped in there, or to pure of a substance was put out in the streets for some addict’s enjoyment, and the very first hit, line or injection causes them to just lose their life in an instant. You dont ever want that to happen, and with these drugs being cooked up by addicts themselves in your local neighborhood, you just never know what was really used to create it. Or what exactly you are putting into your body.

Alcohol, you cant overdose, but you can definitely get your stomach pumped from over intoxication, KNOW YOUR LIMITS. When drunk, you typically wont remember what happened the next day, and odds are you did a few things that you normally wouldnt. You also lose balance & impair your judgement, sometimes lose self control & more often cant think straight or for yourself.

It does internal damage yes, over time. Physical signs varies. Some drugs out there mess you up rather quickly. Alcohol wont kill you in one drink like how some of these drugs will take your life in one small dose. (This isnt too common but it does/can happen).

Alcohol also IS NOT associated with a crazy “come down” like some drugs. With alcohol, its typically a hang over, not a come down from being drunk like how its a coming down (coming off) of a high. And usually during a hangover, the person will sleep a very long time, through the next day, wake up a bit drousy, lazy, sore even and a migrain is a common symptom.

On a come down, the person may be fiening, & if they need it bad enough, are desperate enough and crazy enough in the head, they will go to quite some length to get their next fix, and addiction is usually expected and very common with using such drugs. Not a vast majority of people will drink alcohol & become dependent of it or addicted, especially their first time, most people get so drunk that the next day they wish they hadnt drank so much and never will again. Also, o a come down, some people are moody, angry, furious, depressed, paranoid, cant or wont sleep, and quickly & easily start or pick a fight, or get into trouble of any kind, also a problem causer.

Those illegal street drugs are known to be highly addictive, and its because of that “amazing” high and big rush sensation that brings most people back for more.

I hate alcohol, it tastes gross, and Id much rather smoke weed, so someone in my opinion has to have a good tolerance build up for the taste because I dont think just anyone could drink something so foul tasting and smelling on a daily basis, ALL DAY for even years at a time.

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