Are There Any One Month Drug Rehab Centers in California?

Question by madeline_mem: are there any one month drug rehab centers in california?
im looking for a one month drug rehab in california it doesnt really matter wear in california just as long as it is for one month only? does anyone no anything about that kind of stufff

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
I work in a rehab unit in the UK, the program is for three months and if you want to kick the habit for life, I would suggest that amount of time as a minimum.

Threre are centres that will put you through a program in less time but their long term success rate is lower, I enclose a list in California, I leave it to you to check them out.

You could of course join your local group of Narcotics Anonymous and not go into rehab at all, I’m a recovered alcoholic who became sober through Alcoholics Anonymous, it’s the same program.

You are welcome to email me if you want any more information.

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