Are There Any Drug Rehabilitation Centers for Cocaine Abuse?
Question by emily: Are there any drug rehabilitation centers for cocaine abuse?
I’m just wondering if there are drug rehabilitations or programs that specializes in cocaine treatment because my cousin is addicted to cocaine. I’m really getting worried about him.
Best answer:
Answer by ?????Baby Animal?????
yes rehab is for ALL Drug addictions. Including cocaine..
you can call the national hot line for drug addictions and try and get him help..
Answer by Kevin
google it, and there usually are all kinds of rehab centers for people. and when you want to help someone over come the addiction to a drug, talk to them and try to help them get out of the habit
Changing health care environment brings on improvements
Carolinas started offering long-term drug rehab care and opened a diabetes education center. Facility upgrades at Carolinas totaled about $ 14 million last year. In the near future, Craven hopes to renovate the emergency room and women's center. McLeod …
Read more on SCNow
Bay Area Recovery Announce New Drug Rehab Services
Bay Area Recovery is happy to announce that new services will be offered for their always evolving rehabilitation centers in the Houston area. Since 1992, Bay Area Recovery Center has helped save and improve the lives of substance abusers in the area, …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
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