Am I Living With a Crack Cocaine User?

Question by beezookatooth: Am I living with a crack cocaine user?
An engaged couple I’m living with may be using crack or a similar drug. The female has lost lot of weight and looks really unhealthy. They are both claiming they have scabies and bugs crawling out of their skin. They say they will pick them about and the bugs will shrivel up. The said they went to the dermatologist for it, but his mom said they never went. Also different, random men will come to the apartment at all hours of the night. The couple is constantly locked up in their room, they’ve both lost their jobs and neither of them are looking. The female was diagnosed with white brain matter disease about a year ago and claims that’s whats causing all her symptoms of being belligerent and randomly getting bad cases of vertigo. They’ll be up for days at a time, then stay in bed for about a week. I think I may be ignoring all of the signs, but I really care about the female. She’s been addicted to pain killers almost my whole life. Also I found burnt spoons with residue on them in their room a while ago andthere was a confrontation, she went to the hospital and they held her for 72 hours. She said she only tried it once because she was out of her pain medication, and they “didn’t even do it right”. But recently I found two glass pipes, about the width of a pencil and the length of my pinky finger. Both of them were broken on one side and had some sort of brown residue on the inside of the other end. I don’t want to ignore the signs and have this go further but I can’t jump to conclusions and ruin this persons life again. This is a really bad situation and I have no clue what to do. I’m crying almost everyday because if I do anything and I’m wrong, I’m sure my mom will never talk to me again.
Oh and sorry this is such a long post!
I’m 17 and have no other living situation right now. I’ve asked people if I could stay with them who know about my situation, but it’s a no go on everyones part.
And yeah, I would know if it was pot, because I smoke marijuana. I don’t see it as a drug.

Best answer:

Answer by Smarticle
either that or shes anorexic and dirty or on meth

Answer by Jordan
obviously they are using some types of drugs, could be crack, heroin, meth, or marijuana. given their symptoms, i’d say its crack or meth. this is a hard situation, but if it really bothers you then the best solution would be to talk to the couple about it. at least get the full story, and if you move out then you move out and it’ll be better for you. crack and meth are highly addictive and destroy your body, so you dont want to be around ppl that do those types of hard drugs

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