Air Force Bans Greek Yogurt With Hemp Seeds Over Anti-Drug Policy Concerns

Air Force Bans Greek Yogurt With Hemp Seeds Over Anti-Drug Policy Concerns
11 attacks, the Office of National Drug Control Policy launched the "I Helped" campaign, a shameless effort to recharge America's failed war on drugs by linking recreational drug use to terrorism. (In fact, both the U.S. and the United Nations sent … Read more on Huffington Post

Decades Later, Drugs Didn't Hold 'Crack Babies' Back
Now we'd like to talk about another body of research that's also challenging assumptions, very old assumptions about the effects of cocaine addiction. During the crack epidemic of the 1980s and '90s, healthcare workers feared that children born to … Read more on Health News Florida

Legal high deaths increase sharply in a year
The public health authorities also suggest treatment programmes have helped to shrink the pool of heroin and crack addicts in England from 64,288 in 2005-06 to 47,210 in 2011-12, but the ONS says evidence from the official crime figures shows there has … Read more on The Guardian