Crack Cocaine Coughing Up Blood

From outside of the respiratory tract. Blood from the throat which comes in contact with larynx can cause coughing and Where is it from? Blood from the upper GIT can be aspirated and coughed up habitual smokers of free-base cocaine ("crack") and … View This Document
Trends In Drug Abuse & Diversion
Methamphetamine use by youth is down 50% since 2001 Methamphetamine Price is up 73% Jan-Sep 2007 31% Reduction in Purity Cocaine prices up 44% (per Snorting: Loss of sense of smell/nose bleeds •Smoking Crack: Bleeding in the lungs, Chronic Cough and Chest Pain, Coughing up Blood and "Crack Lungs … Document Retrieval
Crack: Cocaine Squared
Still, quality (of both powder cocaine and crack) is up. As it pumps up the volume throughout the central ner-vous system, crack also speeds up other body systems, triggering a sharp rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and gestion and coughing and pain in the lungs and … Access Document

Methamphetamine And Cocaine
Names Known on the street as Coke Snow Flake Blow Crack Cocaine Deviated septum Smoking Crack Smoking crack can cause Throat problems Burned lips Lung congestion Severe coughing Chronic lung disease Cocaine Dose and virus exposure Cocaine–Exposed Children As cocaine-exposed children grow up … Retrieve Doc

Lung Cancer… Am I At Risk?
crack–cocaine can also increase your risk for lung cancer. People who live with or work around people who smoke Coughing up blood is a sign that lung cancer might be developing. Sudden weight loss is another sign, … Fetch Document

Lung cancer risk factors such as smoking history (tobacco, marijuana, crack cocaine), Some people with lung cancer cough up blood. The medical term for this symptom is hemoptysis. The amount of blood can range from small streaks to coughing up what … Fetch Here

Crack Cocaine can result in the whole range of psycho-logical and psychiatric problems. l If having problems breathing or coughing up blood, slow down or stop smoking. … Get Document
Book Of Cocaine
Cocaine Hydrochloride that is treated with bicarbonate of soda is known as Crack Cocaine. Weight loss is common when you are using crack. This is because the blood supply in the stomach is decreased and so Ginger also dries up catarrh and helps the lungs to clean themselves by coughing up phlegm. … Fetch Document
Drug Fact Sheet Associated With
Short-term physical effects may include sedation, blood shot eyes, increased heart rate, coughing Cocaine base (crack) is smoked, either alone or on marijuana or tobacco. euphoria caused by snorting cocaine is less intense and does not happen as quickly due to the slower build-up of the … Read More
Drug Book Sept05
KCocaine/Crack chemicals that make it light up). This is hard for your lungs to handle, so it?s common that you could get asthma, coughing ?ts, ?uid heart and blood vessels. If you feel a pain in your chest when using crack, … View Document

Common Presenting Symptoms
Pulmonary Problems • ‘Crack Lung’ – Cough, shortness of breath, fever and inflamed lungs. Sometimes coughing up blood. • Chemicals used to ‘wash’ cocaine (ammonia) or recycle (acetone) • Kind of pipe used (tin can … Return Document

Fact Sheet: Health Issues Affecting Crack Smokers
Identified cocaine as a problem, and up to 90% of those seeking cocaine treatment are using crack. hours and wake up very hungry. Some common side effects of crack use include: increased heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar level, alertness, anxiety, sex drive … Read Full Source
What is Crack Cocaine? C rack cocaine is the crystal form of respiratory problems, including coughing, shortness of breath, lung damage and bleeding. Long-term effects from use of crack cocaine Á 1FSNBOFOU EBNBHF UP CMPPE vessels of ear and brain, high blood pressure, leading to … Read Full Source
Expectoration of blood from the respiratory tract Varies from blood streaking of sputum to coughing up pure blood (Frank hemoptysis) What is hemorrhage Cocaine-induced pulmonary hemorrhage Hemoptysis has been described in six percent of habitual smokers of free-base cocaine ("crack … Fetch Full Source