I’m Just Want Support. I Told My Family That Am a Cocaine Addict, and I’m Looking for Help.?
Question by miguelangel2209: I’m just want support. I told my family that am a cocaine addict, and I’m looking for help.?
I feel better that I told them, Im desperate, is a bad drug, and i want to quit Now!! I call the people and said that I need to wait but I feel that I need help immediately,I live in Houston, TX. Please help!
Best answer:
Answer by Hmmmm?
The first step to getting off an addiction is accepting that you have a problem with it, so you half way there. Now comes the hard part, you need to keep yourself as far away from people that associate with the drug and it will be hard but if you are serious about staying clean for good you have to do it. Ring the Rehab centre and see if you can go any earlier. Then when your finished your treatment, stay clean and everything else will come after that.
Answer by Hopefully Helpful
Maybe you should go to the ER and tell them how desperate you are and you need help right away. I would hope they could find a safe place where you can stay while you are waiting to be treated. I hope you will get the treatment you want and not have to wait very long. Please hang in there.
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