Has NA or AA Helped You or a Loved One? if So, Why? and if Not, Why So?

Question by jessica: Has NA or AA helped you or a loved one? If so, why? And if not, why so?
I am both a reovering alcoholic (20 years) and heroin/cocaine addict (15 years) and am a 34 year old woman. I quit only 3 days ago and I am on Methadone as a last resort. Yes, I think Methadone is kind of a heroin substitue though it doesn’t get you high. It is dangerous but it is legal and controlled and sooo much safer than buying “crap” off the street. I also suffer from fairly bad depression and anxiety which plagued me before my addictions. I live in an area with very little NA meetings. Would the AA community accept me even though I am a drug addict and alcholic? I know most are very against Methadone but it really is a miracle drug for me. It has saved my life many, many times. Unfortunately, I have been relapsing more and more recently. I really need the outside support! Are there also chat rooms and sites for people like me? I still am not totally against rehab but I want to make sure I’m 100% dedicated before spending so much of my Mom’s money. (Cont’d)
I went to the SummerHouse detox in Miami which was very expensive and sadly, didn’t work for me. I was trying to get off of everything but cigs. I was still very sick my last day and used the secons I got home. Are there rehabs that will let you stay on Methadone if they see that every option has been exhausted and I’ve had the most successs with it!

Best answer:

Answer by Froggie S
yes AA and NA groups are always a good idea when you have none

give them a shot

its always better than the alternative

besides, you can meet cool (clean) people…

Answer by raysny
AA and NA don’t approve of prescribed psychiatric medication, they certainly wouldn’t approve of methadone.

AA/NA have all sorts of other problems associated with them, the worst being that their success rate is 5% or less.
90% of rehabs are 12step based. There are now 17 states in which AA/NA have been ruled at least “religious in nature”. The majority of the rest are Narconon, a Scientology front:
Rehabs are a waste of money (not to be confused with detox which may be a medical requirement). They are indoctrination centers for 12step or Scientology.

When I needed support and information after I quit drinking, I found all I needed through Yahoo Groups. Here are some yahoo groups that talk about metadone:

If you would like, check out “without_aa”, a yahoo group I own:

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