My Friend Needs Help, Alchohol and Depression, I Need Ideas?
Question by Casper: My friend needs help, alchohol and depression, I need ideas?
My friend has lost her husband, her business, and her mother for starters. She is seeing a therapist and is on medication regularly. I care about her and her kids alot and feel helpless. I was the nanny for the kids for over eight years and they are very important to me. I have told her that I was willing to do anything , take care of the kids, her job and so on if she went into a program. She says no and comes up with every excuse imaginable. I also need to say that she has lost her licence due to DUI, twice! I have been the one driving her around every where. I have not coddeled her, I am straight forward and now I may have messed up big time. I called her therapist and told her what’s going on and the therapist said that she will have to tell her that we spoke and what about. Now I am afraid because I will not be able to keep and eye on her nor make sure the kids are ok. I hate myself for getting so scared about this situation and need some advice? DCF is already involved, help?
Best answer:
Answer by mom_single_sexy
first off there is really nothing more you can do but be there for her but do not do everything for her, if you are taking on all the responsibilities she has none and that may make her worse, she needs to feel wanted and needed. So, need her. Also, you need to talk to the dcf caseworker about it. They dont investigate things like they should. Other than that just let time run its course, she will hopefully pull thru it.
Answer by Ms.Tigress
I would first like to say that i commend you on being such a good friend. There out not a lot out here and you seem to be one. I think that you need to take your friend situation to the Lord. Some serious prayer is what she needs. Stay on her no matter how far she pushes you away and remember that she is depressed. Stay such a good friend. It seems like you have done all that you can. Just continue being there and keep her in your prayer it will work miracles
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