What Street Drug Is This Residue From??? Please Help!?

Question by skykinz3: what street drug is this residue from??? please help!?
i found a very large quanity of brownish, grainy, sand-like residue in a glass marijuana pipe. it poured out of the end when i picked it up. it certainly wasn’t marijuana resin! the bowl part itself was ashy and white. i’m thinking it may be crack cocaine. anyone know for sure?

Best answer:

Answer by lilcaligirl
It COULD be KEEF,it looks alot like sand its just powder from the marijuana from breaking it up or putting in a space case and grinding it up, it looks ALOT like something else but it may be just keef, its made from marijuana and its just pure THCyou put it on top of a bowl and it makes the “hit” allot stronger, but it could be something else, i wouldnt know for sure how to tell if its keef or if its something esle

Answer by xxfallenstarxx
Your right, if it was marijuana resin it would be sticky and black. It could be a form of cocaine or even heroin. Most people don’t smoke heroin though cause it tends to be “wasteful”…. but there are some that do. Although its hard to tell exactly what the resin is since it could be a number of things….

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