Old Songs Remade?

Question by Michael: Old songs Remade?
I’m looking for songs that have recently been remade into rap, pop, or anything. For example Diddy remade I’ll be missing you. If someone could add more that would be great.

Best answer:

Answer by forversquid
The Ataris:Boys of Summer
DHT: Listen to your Heart
Jessica Simpson: Take My Breath Away
Hurt: Johnny Cash/ Nine Inch Nails (im not sure who covered it but i think it was actually johnny)

Answer by Mark L
I know a group called Throwdown remade “Baby Got Back” and I believe Korn remade “Ice, Ice Baby” I believe Korn’s version is called “Too Cold”. It is easy to seach for these though! Whatever program you use to locate music, simply type in “covers” or “cover songs”. You will probably find a lot of covers by punk rock bands. Hope this helped!

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