Trapped Behind Bars for Too Long

Trapped behind bars for too long
LAST WEEK, President Obama granted clemency to eight people serving long sentences on crack-cocaine convictions. It was long past time the president acted — and it remains long past time for many others enduring excessive sentences in federal prison. Read more on Washington Post

Drugs remained top problem in 2013
The single-day sweep sought mid- to street-level dealers peddling heroin, crack cocaine and prescription medication. Most of the … Law enforcement officials stopped the duo early in the morning before placing all 800 of their printed signs. The two … Read more on Marion Star

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford registers for 2014 election
Mayor Rob Ford became the first person to sign up for the 2014 municipal election race on Thursday, and quickly turned combative when asked how he would respond to questions about last year's crack scandal on the campaign trail. "Let them talk about … Read more on StarPhoenix