Let’s Talk About Poverty! (ALL ARE WELCOME)?

Question by Christopher: Let’s talk about Poverty! (ALL ARE WELCOME)?
I was a Sociology Major in College, as well as an activist, and studied alot of the causes for society’s problems. I was fortunate enough to get funding from different financial institutions to give aid to poor people. What I ended up finding out is, alot of it has to do with the poor people themselves. I tried employing people that were on welfare, and ended up finding out exactly why they were on Welfare. Some of them couldn’t even do simple things, like, not curse me out when I loaned them money. Alot of them tried to get me in trouble even though I was there to help them, because they were honestly afraid of having something. The others just simply used the money for drugs and I had to force them to go to rehab. I cannot honestly think of one good thing that came out of it! As much as I tried to blame the “System”, Government, or what ever Institution for people’s problems, I ended up finding out that regardless of how other people treat you, you ultimately make your own decisions.

Also, the other problem I noticed is the definition of poverty in this country. If I were to ask you about Africa’s poverty problems, you would probably reply that they have a shortage of food, sanitary water, acceptable living conditions, etc., but in America the poverty line is set at $ 22,350 (total yearly income) for a family of four. Now, with that perspective you can see two completely different definitions of poverty. So, what is really poor? If you have everything you need, can you really consider that poverty? There are years that I have made significantly less than $ 22k and was not only able to afford everything that I needed, but was able to get a few luxuries on the side as well.

Best answer:

Answer by Moffie Piel
ignorant people are poor, thats why.

Answer by FLA
Actually the government is to blame for putting these people into poverty but they aren’t to blame for keeping them there. The government CHOOSES which areas are going to be poor and filled with drugs because the plant the drugs in the communities. Like here in California, you never find drugs in Bel Air but you always find drugs in South Central, Compton, Oakland, Richmond and so on and so forth. How is it possible that these people are getting access when they are so poor? Is it because the government is providing them with it to keep them oppressed? Bel Air has a better chance of affording drugs and getting it, where are these low IQ people that live in the “hood” finding crack, cocaine, marijuana… etc? How is it so easy for them to locate drugs but it’s not easy for them to get a job? I also find it funny how the President Obama can sit down and plot Osama Bin Ladens demise but when it comes to cleansing the ghetto poverty stricken neighborhoods he doesn’t know what to do. How is it so easy to invade some terrorist country and kill their leader but they can’t kill the crack/cocaine epidemic? Oh wait I forgot No drugs = no drug dealers = no jobs for police officers 🙂

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