Why Did Wells Fargo Destroy Wachovia?
Question by Dose of Reality: Why did Wells Fargo destroy wachovia?
I was a customer for 13 years and since WF bought it, it is as if they do not want customers anymore. I was the 5th person I know to leave them. Besides that they have over seas call centers that do not speak English well. And now it seems their American customer service has been down graded. There use to be reps that actually cared about customers. But the main thing was that SS, birthday, accounts,direct deposit day. amount, and merchant, than they wanted my DL numbers just to transfer money in between wachoiva accounts that should have been done by the teller 2 weeks prior.
Not to mention that when I made a 300 dollar purchase it was denied even though I warned them of it. But then even after a 30 minute conversation I was not authorized because I did not know my ex-step mom of 8 years birthday. Not I have to change accounts on over 30 auto payments, Its just crazy. The top executives want more money and think they way to get it is by sacrificing customer service and common sense. But they can’t try to cut cost on customers they don’t have
Best answer:
Answer by Will
big companys are always like that. just roll with the punches mate 🙂
Answer by Ed Fox
If Wells Fargo had not absorbed Wachovia, there would be no Wachovia at all as it would have gone bankrupt.
I can’t imagine why you’re so fond of Wachovia.
QUOTE Wachovia was repeatedly fined by US regulators over a number of issues, including “$ 110m in forfeiture, for allowing transactions later proved to be connected to drug smuggling, and … a $ 50m fine for failing to monitor cash used to ship 22 tons of cocaine.” Wachovia had failed to apply appropriate anti-money laundering measures to the transfer of $ 378.4bn from Mexican currency exchange houses, over the objections of some of its own anti-money laundering staff. UNQUOTE
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