Campbell Officers Injured in Mobile Meth Lab Bust
Campbell officers injured in mobile meth lab bust
He tells us the chemicals can include Hydrochloric Acid, Draino, Sodium Hydroxide, Coleman Fuel, and other harmful components. Esposito says crystal methamphetamine is as addictive as crack cocaine but takes a lot more toxic chemicals to make it. Read more on WFMJ
Police documents shed new light on Rob Ford's alleged crack video
TORONTO – A video of Mayor Rob Ford smoking what appears to be crack cocaine was shot in February 2013 without the mayor's knowledge, according to newly filed police documents. There were several people with him, the documents say. And his friend … Read more on
Witness: Car was without bullet holes, blood stains before being rented by …
"It was drug-related," he said. "Marijuana, cocaine, crack-cocaine, pills. Basically, anything that was profitable that we could make money off of." The witness said said it was run like a legitimate business. He knew Chabreya Campbell and said he … Read more on The Huntsville Times – (blog)