Important Step to Control Painkillers

Important step to control painkillers
In fact, abuse of prescription medications is overtaking that of “street drugs” such as heroin and cocaine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spoke of a pain-pill overdose “epidemic” that cost 15,000 lives in the United States in … Read more on The Olympian

Different Drummer LINDA RONSTADT's cocaine use during the 1970s may have caused the Parkinson's disease that's taken away her ability to sing! A medical expert tells The ENQUIRER that heavy use of the drug dramatically increases the risk of … Read more on The National Enquirer

Barnett: 'Hungry Heart' – help or harm?
… film is that many people using Suboxone to help reduce or eliminate other opioid abuse consistently produce urine samples that show the use of other prescription drugs of abuse such as sedatives and stimulants along with alcohol, marijuana, cocaine … Read more on