Perry Guarded About GOP's $6B Rainy Day Fund Plan

Perry guarded about GOP's B Rainy Day Fund plan
But it drew a fresh line in the sand a day after Democrats seized on a sudden willingness by Senate Republicans to crack open a fund long-protected by state GOP leaders as fiscally — and politically — sacred. The Senate plan would take $ 2.5 billion … Read more on Your Houston News

Sprinter Ross eases through in 100m
"I thought about having a crack today with these conditions but the central nervous system hadn't really woken up as well as I wanted to," said Ross. "I am confident ahead of the finals rounds tomorrow. "I'm sick of chasing the qualifier. "I want to … Read more on Ninemsn

Opiates, heroin street drugs of choice
With past drug users, there appeared to be more of progression of use from alcohol and marijuana to cocaine or crack. With heroin and … Narcan (naloxone) is very effective in blocking the opiate receptors, bringing on rapid onset of withdrawal symptoms. Read more on Daily Union